Recent News

  • [03, 2024] EarVoice accepted to MobiSys'24.

  • [02, 2024] CAREER Award! Thanks NSF.

  • [01, 2024] Mobile Acoustic Field (MAF) accepted to CHI'24.

  • [11, 2023] Asclepius, MagWear, and Map++ accepted to MobiCom'24.

  • [10, 2023] awarded AIoTSys Young Scientist Award.

  • [07, 2023] Bio-inspired system design funded by CCSS program, thanks NSF.

  • [06, 2023] APG and BioDrone accepted to MobiCom'23 with shepherding.

  • [04, 2023] awarded Google Research Scholar Award, thanks Google.


  • NSF CAREER award, 2024.

  • Google research scholar award, 2023.

  • Best paper runner-up award, MobiCom, 2021.

  • Distinguished paper award, IMWUT(Ubicomp), 2018.

  • Best paper award, TrustCom, 2014.
